So it has been 100 days now since
Donald Trump was inaugurated the 45th President of the
United States, and I am wondering how you are feeling about your new
president. Recent polls show that he is enjoying the lowest
approval rating of any president, at this stage, since the 1950s.
Given that he promised to represent the
interests of the average working person in this country (I assume
most of my friend and relatives who voted for Trump are in this
category), does it surprise you that he has surrounded himself with
former Goldman Sach's executives – millionaires and billionaires?
His cabinet and advisers consist of the largest number of the
super-super-wealthy of any president ever! I wonder – do you
believe that Trump and his team of millionaires and billionaires are
really interested and will dedicate themselves to addressing the
concerns of the middle class and working poor? If they've spent
their lives looking out for the bottom line of their own companies
and investors and looking for ways to limit labor costs, do
you think they are now going to shift their focus to take the side of
the average working person in this country?
I know that many who vote Repbulican
are committed to a “law and order” vision for the country. So I
wonder how you are feeling about the level of chaos and dis-order
that has accompanied Trump's first 100 days in office? Way behind
the record of most other administrations, he has hundreds of posts in
his administration still unfilled.
Also, are you bothered about the many
revelations of the Russia connections by so many in his campaign
staff and now of those who he has selected for leadership positions
in his administration? FBI and congressional investigations into the possibility of treason by the President himself or by members of his
staff? Is that the kind of “law and order” you were expecting?
Does that concern you at all? Is it disturbing to you that one of
the members of his cabinet – less than 100 days in –
has already been dismissed due to an attempt to cover up and his
failure to reveal to congress conversations he had with the Russian
Is having right-wing extremist, like
Bannon as a key adviser to the President represent the kind of
government you were voting for when you voted for Trump? And what
about his daughter and son-in-law being on the White House staff and
having security clearances, even while they maintain ties to the family mega-business? Does it concern you that White House communications and meetings have already been used to market and promote the product lines of Ivanka's businesses? Do you see the possibilities of she and her husband advising the
President and the President himself – all of them - being swayed by
their own financial interests when it comes to making decisions? Do
you think it is possible that they may use their roles of political
power to their own benefit rather than truly making the concerns of
America first? Does that possibility of conflict of interest disturb
you at all?
Whether you like the Affordable Care
Act, or not – what does it say to you about the President that he
advocated for making a change that would mean as many as 24 million
citizens would lose their healthcare coverage? That insurance companies could
once again decide who gets insured and who deosn't and could decide
without regulation how much they would charge each of us for
insurance coverage. And what about doing away with coverage possibilities of the disabled, the mentally ill, the unemployed, the
under-employed and the poor. Are those the kinds of values that you
look for in a President? Does that represent the value you place on perhaps your own family members and your neighbors and fellow citizens? Is that a policy that truly would "make America great again"? And what about executive
actions now that remove protections to ensure that the air we breathe
and the water we drink are safe? What about an open field day for polluters to pollute at will for the sake of profit, regardless of the health and environmental impact on our nation?
Are you as surprised as I am by the
lack of knowledge of the laws and our national Constitution reflected
in the poorly thought out “travel ban” attempts, or in the demand that local police become defacto federal agents? Also that he is not only seeking congressional approval to spend our own tax dollars on the "Mexico will pay for it" "great wall," but that the very construction of that wall may be prohibited by international treaty agreements? That's not only
on the President but on all the President's men as well!
Once the election took place and Trump
won, I haven't really seen any of you posting your support or praise for what your President is doing – so I am wondering? Are you happy with the
directions he is taking us? Does he represent you and your
interests? Do you see his policies really improving your life and
strengthening our nation? Are you still happy and satisfied with
your vote? I just find myself wondering! If you are pleased, could you help
me understand? Tell me what it is he has accomplished in these
first 100 days that you are really thrilled about. What has he done that you feel will
lead to "making America great again”? I look forward to your
comments and responses.
Wishing us all the best!