Sunday, January 29, 2017


Sketch by Homero Cruz of Monterrey Mexico
We are David.* No, I am not referring to myself or even specifically to my own name. Rather I am remembering another David, a David from ancient times. Many of us remember, I am sure, the story of David and Goliath, right?

There is a great conflict taking place between Israel and the Philistines. But the Philistines have a secret weapon, a giant by the name of Goliath who threatens Israel's warriors, challenging them as to who has the courage to come and confront him in battle. But Israel's soldiers tremble in fear, and no one is found who will confront the giant.

On to this stage comes the young boy, David, sent by his father to bring goods and get news from his elder brothers. Upon hearing the challenge of the Giant, David goes to the King, Saul, and says to him: “Let no one lose heart on account of the Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.” Although Saul tries to dissuade him, David insists.

What is impressive to me is his faith and determination. The story reads that, with sling in hand, he goes to a brook and carefully, thoughtfully, selects five smooth stones. He then proceeds calmly to the battle line to confront the Giant. Seeing the boy, you can hear the disdain in Goliath's voice: “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” he snarls. “Come here, and I will giver your flesh to the birds and wild animals.”

Speaking in faith David looks the fully armored and weaponized Giant in the eye and responds confidently: “You come against me with sword, and spear, and javelin; but I come to you in faith and in solidarity with those who you have disrespected and defied. This day you will be delivered into my hands, and I will strike you down.” With that, David begins running toward the on-coming threat. Reaching into his bag he chooses one of the stones, puts it in his sling and with confidence and deadly accuracy he lets fly. And the next moment the Goliath comes crashing down, struck by a single stone to his unprotected forehead.

I believe that many of us feel today that we are in a time of great conflict and danger. It seems that around the world we are seeing the advance of evil powers. In Europe, in Latin America, and here in the United States gathering clouds of threat and conflict. People incentivized to be over-against one another, disrespecting because of color of skin, religion, gender, place of origin, sexual preference. “Leaders” tweeting images that, for the unreflective, create a sense of threat and fear of the Other. Easy talk of war. Open and direct attacks on the values so many of us have fought to achieve over years, decades, even centuries: equality, diversity, justice, peace; quality of life for all - globally, care for our fragile planet, the common good.

Right now in the United States we may feel that this threat emanates most directly from a man who I refer to simply as the t-boy, because I refuse to give his name any additional attention in cyber-space. And in one sense that is true, but this single man is not our Goliath. No, the Goliath has been around, rising up and growing (and at times shrinking) its stature over many years. In his article, “The Tale of Two Countries,” author Neal Gabler provides a brief tracing of the history in the United States. No, our Goliath is not a single man in the White House, nor even all 535 congress persons and senators in Washington. No, our Goliath is a system that prioritizes profits over people, and today it is a global system, the Global Goliath. And this Goliath is fully armored and weaponized with drones, smart bombs, nuclear shields, and armies. And, it wields tremendous power – politically and economically. The power to destroy anything that stands in its way and an unbounded determination to protect all that is in it's interest, no matter what the monetary cost or the cost in human life - threatening even the demise of all life on this planet.

And so where do we find the David to confront today's Giant? The answer: David is us!! It is “we the people” who must stand up to this modern-day Goliath. Goliath's power is a mirage, because WE vastly outnumber the holders of power. If they are the 1%, WE are the 99%. But even if those who would benefit from and defend this power are 20%, WE are 80%. Our power is in our numbers. Their economic power depends on the sweat a blood of our labor, and on the purchasing power that we hold. Their political power depends on our quiescence to allow them to govern in whatever way they choose. But if we choose to act, to challenge and change this system – they are outnumbered. They may use their power to imprison and surely even kill. But despite the size of the industrial prison complex, they do not have space sufficient to imprison all of us. And if we refuse to guard the prisoners, they cannot imprison. And if we refuse to make the guns and build the bombs, their stock piles will run out.

Like David of old, we must be calm and reflective. We must be full of faith and confident. We must be courageous and willing to confront. Prepare – pick our stones strategically and wisely. Identify the chinks in Goliath's armor. What is that one soft place that when targeted with lethal accuracy brings the entire facade crashing down. And while time and urgency is of the essence, we must not rush but must advance thoughtfully, in solidarity and in faith. Choose the best stones. Place them in our slings. And let fly!

WE ARE DAVID! And with little victories and large, we can and will bring this giant down!

*This reflection was inspired as I listened this morning to Maya Angelou's Tribute Poem to Nelson Mandela.

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