To begin my retirement (on my birthday - December 29, 2021),
I chose as my retirement anthem a song by Argentine troubadour Alejandro
Lerner, “Todo al Pulmón”
(literally “at full lung,”) or “life to the fullest”. I have returned regularly
to hear again this melody and its charged lyrics, the “musical muse” for my
vision and commitment to live fully into these years, to make the most of life,
to engage in meaningful actions and associations, to write well, as the muse
reminds me, these “stanzas of my final song”.
As those closest to me know and as a dear Cuban friend,
Geosvanis, put into words, I am “not your average American white boy.” Formed
by a childhood of growing up multi-culturally and among Indigenous Xavante Natives
in the outback of Brazil and later influenced by studies of Marx and Latin
American Liberation Theology, and with personal heroes that include Winnebago
Native activist and spiritual leader Reuben Snake, Argentinian/Cuban internationalist
and revolutionary Che Guevara, and Central American martyr Monsignor Oscar
Romero – among others – I describe my perspective on the world as “critical”
and “deeply skeptical of U.S. imperialism.”
And this brings me to the present moment. The last year has
been a whirlwind and we aren’t quite at a settling place yet. But as I consider
our world and the mess it is in – with imperial and oligarchic interests
funding unending wars and fanning the flames of racist, xenofobic, ultra-nationalist and
fascist tendencies around a world already facing the existential threat of
climate holocaust, the call to a retirement of action stands at the fore. How
and where can I engage, how and where WILL I engage so that these next stanzas
of my life sing loudly and clearly on the side of anti-racism, of justice with and for the marginalized,
of a healthy, liveable world for our children, grand-children and
great-grand-children, a world in which community and the well-being of all
human beings and all living things including our Mother Earth are our first and
highest priority? To invest myself in this way is, for me, to live “life to the
fullest,” “Todo a Pulmon.”
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